Stories of Transformation
Sharlene's Story

“No third grade little girl plans to be a prostitute. She doesn’t plan to be homeless. She’s not planning to hold a sign on the highways that she’ll work for food.”
– Sharlene, Light of Life Women’s Shelter Manager
Sharlene grew up in a world of hurt, experiencing trauma at a very young age. She’s survived trafficking, exploitation and abuse and, while her past was extremely difficult, she now is able to use her experiences to help the women and children that come through our program in her role as Survivor Leader at Light of Life. Now, she gets to stand in the gap for the women and children who come into our program and teach them a better way to live.
Women and children are the fastest growing homeless population in Allegheny County and, seemingly, the most left behind. Women, of all ages, enter the Women and Children’s Program at Light of Life to heal from abuse, addiction and poverty. Many have been victims of abuse as far back as childhood just like Shar.
Shar expressed, “How can a person know the responsibilities of adulthood when they were never given a proper example?” Shar helps shine the light of God’s hope and provide a safe place with a community of healing.